The Gemstone Chakra Connection
Crown Chakra, Sahasrara or 7th Chakra

Mantra: Silence after OM
Color: Clear or white
Value: Spiritual connection/enlightenment
"I Understand"
The Crown Chakra is found at the crown or top of the head. This chakra represents your higher consciousness, soul and connection to the divine. Activation and harmony of your Crown Chakra allows communication with your higher self, selflessness, divinity, ethical presence with universal trust. An imbalance of the Crown Chakra can be seen as cynicism, closed mindedness and a disregard for the sacred.
Physical Body
The areas of the body activated are the skin, skeletal, muscular and immunity systems.
Chakra Gemstones:
Chakra Gemstone:
Diamond Clear Quartz Herkimer Diamond Howlite Snowflake Obsidian White Agate |
Selenite Moonstone Opal White Jade Mother of Pearl Pearl |
Dalmation Jasper K2 Laguna Lace Agate |
Third Eye Chakra, Ajna or 6th Chakra

Mantra: OM
Color: Violet or Purple
Value: Intuition
"I See"
The Third Eye Chakra is found at the center of the forehead, between the eyebrows. This chakra represents your intuition and imagination. Activation and harmony of your Third Eye Chakra allows a clear sense of intuition, emotional intelligence, psychic ability and higher reasoning. An imbalance of the Third Eye Chakra can be seen as mental illness, learning disabilities along with cognitive and neurological issues.
Physical Body
The areas of the body activated are the brain, pineal gland, nervous system, spine and head.
Chakra Gemstones:
Amethyst Tanzanite Labradorite Iolite Charoite Purple Fluorite |
Purple Jade Kunzite Phosphosiderite Lepidolite Purple Opal Amethyst Sage |
Super 7 Auralite 23 |
Throat Chakra, Vishudda or 5th Chakra

Mantra: HAM
Color: Blue
Value: Self Expression
"I Speak"
The Throat Chakra is found at the center of the neck. This chakra represents your voice, self-expression and hearing. Activation and harmony of your Throat Chakra allows clear communication, following your dreams and speaking the truth. An imbalance of the Throat Chakra can manifest as being judgmental, the inability to act and overly critical.
Physical Body
The areas of the body activated are the throat, thyroid, teeth and jaw.
Chakra Gemstones:
Blue Sponge Coral Kyanite Sapphire Blue Lace Agate Blue Tigers Eye Aquamarine |
Angelite Turquoise Blue Topaz Larimar Chalcedony Blue Calcite |
Sodalite Amazonite Azurite Lapis Lazuli Apatite Chrysocolla |
Heart Chakra, Anahata or 4th Chakra

Mantra: YAM
Color: Green or Pink
Value: Self Expression
"I Love"
The Heart Chakra is found at the center of the chest. This chakra represents love, forgiveness, compassion and hope. Activation and harmony of your Heart Chakra allows you to naturally give and receive love, acceptance and peace. An imbalance of the Heart Chakra can manifest as being codependent, jealous and lacking empathy.
Physical Body
The areas of the body activated are the heart, lungs, chest and the circulatory system.
Chakra Gemstones:
Rose Quartz Rhodocrosite Kunzite Morganite Garnet Pink Green Tourmaline |
Moss Agate Aventurine Jade Emerald Green Garnet Malachite |
Prehnite Fuchsite Zoisite Serpentine Green Fluorite |
Solar Plexus Chakra, Manipura or 3rd Chakra

Mantra: RAM
Color: Yellow Gold
Value: Self Honor
"I Do"
The Solar Plexus Chakra is found below the center of the chest. This chakra represents your self esteem, will power and personal responsibility. Activation and harmony of your Solar Plexus Chakra allows confidence, a sense of belonging, personal honor and courage. An imbalance of the Solar Plexus Chakra can manifest as low self-esteem, eating disorders, adrenal disease and stomach issues.
Physical Body
The areas of the body activated are the stomach, adrenals, abdominal cavity and liver.
Chakra Gemstones:
Amber Tiger's Eye Citrine Bumblebee Jasper Mookaite Topaz |
Lemon Quartz Yellow Tourmaline Yellow Zircon Yellow Opal Golden Rutile Quartz Burmese Jade |
Botswana Agate Yellow Jade Yellow Agate Brucite |
Sacral Chakra, Svadisthana or 2nd Chakra

Mantra: VAM
Color: Orange
Value: Creativity
"I Feel"
The Sacral Chakra is found below the belly button. This chakra represents your creativity, personal identity and decision making. Activation and harmony of your Sacral Chakra allows your emotions to flow with a sense of joy. An imbalance of the Sacral Chakra can manifest as over sensitivity, obsessive attachments, fear, guilt and insecurity.
Physical Body
The areas of the body activated are the lower abdomen and tailbone.
Chakra Gemstones:
Root Chakra, Muladhara or 1st Chakra

Mantra: LAM
Color: Red or Black
Value: Connection
"I Am"
The Root Chakra is found below the belly button. This chakra represents your connection to others, loyalty, trust and grounding. Activation and harmony of your Root Chakra allows you to feel connected, sense of family or oneness and secure. An imbalance of the Root Chakra can manifest as depression, OCD, anxiety and immune disorders.
Physical Body
The areas of the body activated are the lower back, legs, skeletal system and lower intestines.
Chakra Gemstones:
Black Tourmaline Hematite Obsidian Garnet Hypersthene Ruby |
Onyx Red Spinel Bloodstone Rhodonite Jet Shungite |
Black Quartz Moroccan Banded Agate Strawberry Quartz Red Jasper Rhodocrosite Red Flame Agate |