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Largest Supplier of Micro Faceted Beads

Looking for that added sparkle? Micro Faceted Gemstone (Microbeads) are what you need! Since 2017 we have been the largest supplier of micro faceted gemstones in the industry. With hundreds of options from Aquamarine to Zoisite, we have you covered. Every month we get in new inventory bringing new elements to your cutting edge jewelry designs. 



Starting at 2mm, these micro beads can be used for earrings, necklaces, rings and bracelets. A faceted bead makes designs sparkle in the light and gives it a more flashy appearance. These diamond cuts make each bead shine!

Microbeads (diamond cut gemstones) are created using new laser cutting technology. This special technique provides a more uniform cut and perfect center drilled bead. We have partnered with the largest manufacturer specializing in laser cutting to offer you the best and largest selection. The revolutionary cutting has produced some of the most sparkling natural gemstones in our bead industry.

At Intrinsic Trading, we carry almost every stone and size you can dream of when it comes to micro faceted gemstones.