The First of Laguna Lace
The History of Laguna Lace Agate
As the first manufacturer to put Laguna Lace Agate in production, we have quite the collection! This exotic world class agate is mined in a small remote mountain range in Chihuahua, Mexico and loved for its vivid banding and vibrant hues of red, orange, yellow and maroon.
Laguna Lace Agate is a combination of Chalcedony and Quartz with predominantly red, white, yellow, gold and brown layers. It is known for being banded in layers, or stripes, with some varieties having an "eye" marking.
Laguna Lace Agate Properties
For centuries, Agate has been heralded as a stone of remarkable balance and grounding energy. Laguna lace agate is especially powerful when it comes to stimulate imagination and inspiration for creativity. It also connects you to a broader perspective and helps you see the pros and cons of any given situation. It makes a good stone for those who look to enter a new chapter in life, a new relationship and a new career move with confidence.
See our collection here: Laguna Lace Agate